We are at the by:Larm Festival in Oslo!

Cover Image for We are at the by:Larm Festival in Oslo!

Since by:Larm is, according to itself, "the most essential meeting point for the Nordic music industry", we figured that we needed to be there.

"by:Larm consists of two parts: a festival and a conference. The conference is a meeting place for the Nordic and international music industries. A series of lectures, seminars and debates are held during the day. The festival concerts take place at night and are open to the public. Their main focus is to present artists that are on the verge of success, either in their homelands or internationally."

We look forward to meeting lots of new people, telling them all about Broadcast and learning a lot.

15th September 2022

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Cover Image for The Broadcast team had a worhshop at by:Larm!

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Cover Image for We presented stats for music events in Oslo at by:Larm!

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