New! V1.2.3 aka the Nick Cave edition

Cover Image for New! V1.2.3 aka the Nick Cave edition

This morning we released an 'over the air update' for the Broadcast iOS and Android apps.

Much like Mr Cave, whom this released is named after, its a sublime and subtle update which introduces venue pages into the app, and there are a number of ways for you to finf these pages.

First and by fair the easiest is when you are scrolling through the events list just click on the venue name.

The other way to find venue infomration is by click on the location icon you will find on the tabs at the bottom of the app

This will take you through to a list of venues, and also the option to search the list.

We hope you like the new feature, and heres some Nick Cave for you to listen to whilst you try it out.

And don't forget...

If you haven't yet downloaded a copy of Broadcast then you can grab it for iOS here or find in the Google Play store for Android here.

15th February 2022

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